Tuesday, January 1, 2008


2008, the Rat year........The very first few things that I promise myself will be...............
  1. I will not go online so often
  2. I will offline before 12am...Erm...Maybe before 12.30am...(need some time...I normally offline ard 2am...Unhealthly lifestyle...)
  3. When I put busy or away mode I will not reply anyone message unless its an urgent one...
  4. I will keep my laptop away from me...Instead, keep more books with me...
  5. I will download fewer Dramas to watch...(omg..I doubt this...2008 upcoming drama's wei)
  6. I will not blog so often unless happening occasion(included foods of course)...

Well that will be enough for the moment...I will need lots lots of time & determination in order to get this all things done! God Bless me...Happy 2008!!

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