Wednesday, March 25, 2009

-Support Earth Hour?!-

I was watching Maiden Vow's drama on 8tv and this is when the advertisement of "3 days countdown to earth hour" suddenly pop out reminds me of what Mun See said today...
Mun See (2009) suggests that switching off the air-con & Television is a more environmental friendly method of supporting this campaign...However, public have the perception that it will create the mass media's attention by switching the light off! No one will really knows if you ever turn off your other electric appliances in your house! So shall we turn off our light for one hour (8.30-9.30pm) on this saturday?! A friend of mine said that he wants to study for his upcoming IME test on monday hence, it is most likely that he will refuse to support this campaign...Haha...
Anyway, for further information on this campaign, kindly click on the nuffnang adv on the right hand side ----->>> Can you see the switch? Click on it...

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